Proven wind turbines
E n e r g y T H AT D O E S N O T C O S T t h e E A RT H
Proven Energy are passionate about delivering reliable, sustainable energy through our award winning range of wind turbines.
The high performance Proven Turbine is the result of 25 years of
innovative research and development, and has become an international
market leader, renowned for quality and durability. Key to our success
is the unique design of the Proven blade, which adapts to the wind,
optimising performance and safety even in the strongest winds.
With over 800 installations worldwide, the Proven Turbine delivers
affordable energy security to a wide range of applications. Proven
Energy work with Corporate bodies, Government agencies, Local
Authorities, Community groups and Householders to provide
sustainable energy solutions. Installing a Proven Turbine system will cut
fuel consumption and reduce carbon emissions. We hope it will make
you as passionate about Green Energy as we are.
PROVEN Reliability
Providing robust, low maintenance electricity generation, Proven Energy’s internationally patented
turbine has undergone rigorous testing at sites exposed to extreme conditions. Successfully
installed in diverse climates, Proven Turbines are generating electricity in the extreme cold of the
Arctic Circle and the deser t heat of Saudi Arabia.
Offering reliable energy generation for a wide range of clients, customers include
Telecommunications (Orange, BT), Retail (Sainsbur y’s), Utilities (Network Rail), Oil companies
(BP, Shell) as well as individual households, architects and Local Authorities.
Proven Energy produce a series of 3 turbines to offer sustainable energy solutions to a wide
range of applications. With many years’ experience, we value the impor tance of intelligent
site selection and can help you choose the right system for your needs. Proven Energy, and
our distributors, offer a complete system ser vice, from site assessment and system design to
supply, installation and maintenance.
Proven 2.5
Generates 2.5kW, and is a similar height to a telegraph pole. The Proven 2.5 can make a
substantial contribution to the power required by electrical appliances in a standard 3
bedroom house (excluding heating). The robust 2.5 is also ideal for small lighting systems
(Network Rail Stations, Sainsbur y’s) and offshore power (Shell Nor th Sea Oil Platforms).
Proven 6
Produces 6kW of power, suited to a wide range of clients. The
Proven 6 will supply electricity to a standard 4 – 6 bedroom house
(excluding heating), with the potential to sell excess electricity back
to the national grid. Schools are using the Proven 6 to generate
electricity as well as educate their students, and multiple turbines can
be used to power offices or retail units (BP Ser vice Stations).
Proven 15
Available from Spring 2007, our largest model will produce 15kW. The Proven 15 will supply
a 6 – 10 bedroom house, with the potential to sell excess electricity back to the National
Grid, or supply a group of smaller houses. The Proven 15 is also ideal for commercial
applications such as agriculture, larger telecoms towers, small industrial units and mini wind